Sunday, January 24, 2016

Stay Focused

The key to being a good skateboarder, and successful human being as well, is keeping a sharp focus on you, yourself, and who you want to be. I have reached a point in where I am over of the petty distractions that a college degree provides. I am 100% about my work and people I care about in my life. The financial repercussions that my five years at GSU will probably be felt for a while...

Being a good skateboarder is what I do for myself. I have dedicated myself to this craft and will continue to pursue it in the future. This craft is a novelty though, as being a generally happy person has taken over. I take it upon myself to be dedicated to this craft and not necessarily my friends. I wake up in the morning and feel the urge for a specific spot and go there regardless if anyone else wishes to go. This is my mission and I am going to keep it.

It feels good to learn completely unrelated, yet practical skills as well, as I have joined the workforce as a plumber.
Having this job has taken me back to my high school days as my weekdays are filled work and my weekends are free to let loose on my board. It keeps the big picture in perspective.

That is all I have worked out on this matter so far. I see more positive changes in my future. I have a feeling that all my thoughts will come to fruition as I have looked back on this past year and all the goals I have accomplished. Pursuing my dreams is the name of the game...

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