Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blowing out the Foundation

Wow. Foundation. Best spot I've ever skated. Funnest place in town and cool vibes. The cool factor is definitely up there with EMB status in my mind atleast. ATL's pemiere skatespot.

The first time heading over there was an adventure in itself. We got the crew together not knowing where the hell we were going, but knew we wanted to go there. I believe it was Phillip, Norbit, Steven, possibly Kevin, and me. I don't remember who else might have been there but Phillip said it couldn't be far from Stratosphere and was sure someone there would give us directions. Keep in mind this is back in high school. My mental map mainly consisted of skatespots here in Gwinnett.
I think Steven was the one who really wanted to go here first. He was super into watching parts online and skating where these dudes were skating, so much that I remember another time we went to skate Atlanta he would call out names and tricks at spots we would pass by.
So, it had to be a Saturday, I think we met everybody up at Mountain Park. I drove with Phillip as copilot. He knew the general direction. He said we had to ride MARTA to get there. Some of us had never ridden MARTA before. Even going to the MARTA station was a new experience. We pulled up to the parking lot all super stoked. I remember we had this issue with the car doors like they wouldn't close or something. We got it good enough and went to the train. It blew my mind to see marble ledges that no one skated in the parking lot. (Indian creek). We got off at the Inman Park Reynoldstown station and started skating. I don't know where we went, but we went. We couldn't find our way so Phillip took us to Stratosphere in Little 5 Points, which is just down the street.
Phillip got directions and we headed out. We were supposed to look for a bridge. We skated and skated. Found this playground and a bridge. Didn't seem right and it wasn't. I called up Sergio because he said he'd been there. We were lost. Total fish out of water. We tried to skate what was in front of us. Some guy with a truck and a kid came up to us that skated, they each had boards. We told him we were lost looking for Foundation. He told us to hop in he bed. Pretty sketchy move but we out numbered him.
He drove us and man were we far off. He dropped us off and I think his kid stayed to skate. Well we made it and man was it awesome. This was before Quiksilver poured the half bowl on the far side. There were wooden ramps on that side. Honestly don't remember if I had brought my camera that day, but I must have. I think we got some photos atleast.
It was getting dark. Time to head home. We didn't know how to get back the way we came, but Phillip atleast knew where the North Ave MARTA station was, underneath the Bank of America tower. We used these buildings as landmarks.
We walked all the way over there and hopped on the MARTA again. We looked at the ledges and such at that station. We also recogized it from the video parts. It had gotten cold out. I bet we were all decked out in white t's, our favorite thing to wear. We took the train back to 5 points and out to Indian Creek. Our car was still there. I had completely forgotten about the door issue. We drove home and acted like nothing ever happened. Or maybe we did, I don't know.

Kudos to the dudes that built that place. It was very special. Too bad there's a skatepark there now. Such a stale environment... oh well keep on moving, I guess.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Worshipping the Devil and College

Who are we to say we've never fallen for his tricks? We've all fallen victim to the devil in one way or another. We're all human, but it's really not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up, learned that one from tv or the nba or something.

People all over the world fall for his tricks, doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, or even how much money you have. The devil runs strong in these lands. We may not even believe in him, but we all know we've been untruthful to ourselves at atleast one point in our lives. If I would have known this, I would have dropped out of college, or high school like everyone else.

See, for me, going to college was satan approved. I whored my life away to a university for four to five years seeking knowledge that was built up inside me the entire time. What I've come to realize is that it is all pointless. In middle school I wanted to be a bum, a skate bum or something of the likes. And writing this from my phone about 8 years later, I think I have accomplished my goal. No job and no direction, living the dream. If only it was this easy. I've worked to get to where I am today and still I've got people telling me ... never mind. You see, it's up to me (and you, and everyone) to speak their mind at any and all times. You must do what you believe is right. Maybe that's what I thought I was doing the entire time. After all life is a journey. My main goal of this piece is to tell all future generations to not throw your life away for a degree. It is not worth it. There is so much information out there these days it is incredible. We truely live in the age of infotmation. These false prophets called teachers, ot professors will only make you weaker. Listen to your inner voice and leave behind all else. You know what you must do. This is your life. Remember we live in the United States of a Fucking
America, we can do whatever the hell we want! We have so much privilege here it's not even funny. Who cares about militarization of the police? Not me. I don't deal with police. Focus on your life and change the world your way. If you live for God, you've got nothing to lose. Don't let others covince you other wise.

From a very young age I always wanted to be a skateboarder and you'll be goddamn right that I will be until the day that I die! There is no question about it that that is who I am. I, however,  do not want to limit myself to such a title.

I suffer the consequences of my actions though. Money is the key to making your life go round. College is the opposite of making money. If you have money I'd say invest in a smartphone. Best thing I've ever done. Better than doing mushrooms. Well maybe.. hahah but that was another time and place. Everything you do makes up who you are so please don't limit yourself to just one hustle. Stay busy and stay strong. This is your life. Live it. ....and take that chance.

Monday, November 10, 2014

An ode to ATLAS

Well... I've been asked to reminisce on my ATLAS days and some truely memorable moments on my life. This is an attempt to do so. ATLAS lives on but so must I. Consider this a farewell letter.

The ATLAS days were some of the best days of my life; skating all day, getting high and drunk later on, just living the life. I must bid farewell to this lifestyle and this crew. I have mixed feelings, but I know our legacy will live on. We must all move forward with our intensity and passion for skateboarding and our lifestyle. Us greats will all meet up again, I know it. If you give up what you love most, it will always come back to you. I give up on skateboarding and all willingness to continue. It is pointless to strive for an unattainable goal. Not to say I've stopped skating, but to idolize it in an unhealthy way. I love skateboarding, but I love you more. That is why I must quit this falsehood. I'll still rep the old gang, but I'm hanging up my leadership for it.

The number one all time memory I have with the old gang is when we are all together. This is countless times. I remember when we would skate Santa Fe mall in Duluth. That was my first time being dropped off at a random location to do whatever the hell I wanted. Joe's parents took us one cool fall or winter morning.

We got an early start at 11 am. Robert came that day. I don't really know the names of the places we went, but the images are still vibrant in my mind. I know the paths we took, the schools, parking lots, and business complexes we skated, and where we went for lunch (McDonald's). We saw Snakes on a Plane that day. There is a dollar theater there and Joe would make comments about couples that would take dates there. We filmed some lines there, skated the movie theater ledge, we did almost everything. We wandered all day. Out on a grand, seemingly urban adventure. It was awesome. It was all on foot, no cars. I think that's how I like it.

Another time that sticks out is the first time we went down Memorial Drive. I actually went with Bret and I think Robert and some people. We went to the Rent A Center there. It's torn down now but damn, that was a fun spot. All these adventures I talk about stem off other adventures and they build on each other. Eventually we discovered a parking garage at DeKalb tech, skated there for hours. We would hit that spot and smoke a black and mild or something. I got a manual kickflip out on a manny pad there. The footage is in one of my video parts.

I think cooler weather skating is always my favorite. Those seem to stick out to me. You skate to keep warm, nothing counterintuitive about it unlike summer skating where you're hot when you step out the front door.

We waxed an H an R Block ledge one time, my brothers and I. It was rad. There is a three stair shortly after wards and a bank next to the stair set which is part of the parking lot.
Bombing hills and searching out secret spots behind shopping centers was always the best.

Writing about these times is I think more universal than showing a video of them. I hope these memories will transcend time and space to where others can relate.

Memorial Drive and Duluth stick out to me the most of great skate adventures. Feel free to share your own. There are way too many for me to even remember. These were street skating days, we didn't dwell in the parks. Whatever happened? I think the drugs and laziness got to us. A life of convience overtook us maybe for the better, but I am going to try to live this lifestyle forever, but there is no telling what the future holds.
Goodbye memories, you will not be hearing from me again. Peace...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Skater's Anonymous

Recent experiences have shed new light on my existance. In regards to this entry, I am specifically talking about my experiences with addiction groups such as aa, na, and ca. All similar philosophies, just different clubs. NA is sort of all encompassing and I feel I could relate there the most.

Going to these meetings opened my eyes to the world of addiction and the actual meaning of. Addiction is a pattern of behavior, usually involving mind altering substances. Now, as the meeting progressed, I began to get bored. Who cares? I've never smoked crack. But what stuck out to me is the way these people would describe their addiction to their specific drug/drugs. They used words such as 'crazy' and 'insane' and what popped into my head was my experience with skateboarding. I began to relive awesome skate adventures in my head, reminding myself of the good times. This so called drug is not a substance, but very mind altering. A quick push down the driveway instantly makes you forget your worries. Skateboarding does not destroy your health but actually makes you more athletic. Skateboarding is a healthy activity that employs athleticism and creativity in a combination like no other, but I continued to think...

As more people shared their stories, I began to realize that the mind of an addict is something to outgrow. Everybody has a path/destiny they must follow and it is up to you to achieve it. Learning to live without addiction is a process. Anything can be an addiction, it is all about how you go about it. Cigarettes, coffee, beer. All possess addictive qualities, those are the easy ones. Food has addictive properties. People confuse need with want. Now ask yourself this: do you control your eating or does it control you? Do you skate to progress your life or use it as an escape to hide from your problems? Everybody is different and I hope this opens some people's eyes to the truth. My writings are created to stimulate your brain so until next time, peace out..

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The frontside slash

This next entry is a homage to the frontside slash. The frontside slash is the most basic frontside trick on tranny. Not quite a full, standing up frontside grind, the frontside slash is a graze of the back truck on the coping. A "kissed the rail 5-0" if you ever grew up playing the Tony Hawk games like I did. It is pretty much the only non-footplant trick I can do on tranny of reputable size (6 foot and above).

What I love about the frontside slash is the raw aggressive feeling of doing it. A step above the frontside carve, the frontside slash is when you get your back truck onto the coping for a split second. This sensation might startle you at first, which is good and the main reason you should keep doing it. Once comfortable with getting your truck on the coping, you should get all the way on top of it and grind out a nice 5-0. I don't have these yet and probably never will, but Danny Samaniego sure has them down.

I love the aggressive round house kick feel of the trick that goes along with the weightlessness you feel while up high on the transition. My first visit to Potrero inspired this piece as I got a frontside slash on some ~5.5Ft tranny there; Hadn't done one in ages. (I think I lost them at Mountain Park.) It's not the biggest or best but it sure does feel good, and why else would you do one? Until next time..

Monday, September 8, 2014

How I skate

How to skate? Attack. Calculate and attack. Give it your all and don't second guess yourself. Remember first try or bust. If you think you can't do it, don't bother. Confidence is key.

Speed is important. However, feeling comfortable with this speed is more important.

Know your obstacle. Know your trick. Check the run up and roll away. Look at it at different angles and prepare yourself mentally.

Know your battle. Sure, going for the gnarliest thing at the skatepark is what you should go for, but are you going for it at the right time? Take into consideration how you feel, energy levels, etc.

Go for the gnarliest trick straight off the bat, once getting warmed up. This should be your main goal. Focus on this goal, but don't dwell on it. Bail or make, you should have it in your head that you know you will do it. If it's not working out, reconsider. Is it worth it? Did you have any other secondary goals for the day? Act accordingly.

Don't repeat yourself. Now, there are exceptions to this rule. Get your trick down, just don't feel the need to do it repeatedly. Here's a tip. Do it for you. Get people to watch. Let people know what you're going for. Having a fan club is always nice.

When you start to feel beat, call it quits. Nobody can skate forever. Crack open a beer, drink some tea; Whatever you gotta do. Keep a proactive mind. Start planning your next sesh. What are some tricks you want to get next sesh? Keep the stoke rolling.

Move on to the next thing. Sure, skateboarding is life, but is life skateboarding? In my opinion, no. Hell no. Get in. Get what you came for and get out. Sell your product if you got it, but have a life. Take care of yourself until the next sesh. Remember, skateboarding is fun, but it is also work. Don't take it too seriously.
Words of wisdom. Peace..