Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Worshipping the Devil and College

Who are we to say we've never fallen for his tricks? We've all fallen victim to the devil in one way or another. We're all human, but it's really not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up, learned that one from tv or the nba or something.

People all over the world fall for his tricks, doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, or even how much money you have. The devil runs strong in these lands. We may not even believe in him, but we all know we've been untruthful to ourselves at atleast one point in our lives. If I would have known this, I would have dropped out of college, or high school like everyone else.

See, for me, going to college was satan approved. I whored my life away to a university for four to five years seeking knowledge that was built up inside me the entire time. What I've come to realize is that it is all pointless. In middle school I wanted to be a bum, a skate bum or something of the likes. And writing this from my phone about 8 years later, I think I have accomplished my goal. No job and no direction, living the dream. If only it was this easy. I've worked to get to where I am today and still I've got people telling me ... never mind. You see, it's up to me (and you, and everyone) to speak their mind at any and all times. You must do what you believe is right. Maybe that's what I thought I was doing the entire time. After all life is a journey. My main goal of this piece is to tell all future generations to not throw your life away for a degree. It is not worth it. There is so much information out there these days it is incredible. We truely live in the age of infotmation. These false prophets called teachers, ot professors will only make you weaker. Listen to your inner voice and leave behind all else. You know what you must do. This is your life. Remember we live in the United States of a Fucking
America, we can do whatever the hell we want! We have so much privilege here it's not even funny. Who cares about militarization of the police? Not me. I don't deal with police. Focus on your life and change the world your way. If you live for God, you've got nothing to lose. Don't let others covince you other wise.

From a very young age I always wanted to be a skateboarder and you'll be goddamn right that I will be until the day that I die! There is no question about it that that is who I am. I, however,  do not want to limit myself to such a title.

I suffer the consequences of my actions though. Money is the key to making your life go round. College is the opposite of making money. If you have money I'd say invest in a smartphone. Best thing I've ever done. Better than doing mushrooms. Well maybe.. hahah but that was another time and place. Everything you do makes up who you are so please don't limit yourself to just one hustle. Stay busy and stay strong. This is your life. Live it. ....and take that chance.

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