Thursday, September 11, 2014

The frontside slash

This next entry is a homage to the frontside slash. The frontside slash is the most basic frontside trick on tranny. Not quite a full, standing up frontside grind, the frontside slash is a graze of the back truck on the coping. A "kissed the rail 5-0" if you ever grew up playing the Tony Hawk games like I did. It is pretty much the only non-footplant trick I can do on tranny of reputable size (6 foot and above).

What I love about the frontside slash is the raw aggressive feeling of doing it. A step above the frontside carve, the frontside slash is when you get your back truck onto the coping for a split second. This sensation might startle you at first, which is good and the main reason you should keep doing it. Once comfortable with getting your truck on the coping, you should get all the way on top of it and grind out a nice 5-0. I don't have these yet and probably never will, but Danny Samaniego sure has them down.

I love the aggressive round house kick feel of the trick that goes along with the weightlessness you feel while up high on the transition. My first visit to Potrero inspired this piece as I got a frontside slash on some ~5.5Ft tranny there; Hadn't done one in ages. (I think I lost them at Mountain Park.) It's not the biggest or best but it sure does feel good, and why else would you do one? Until next time..

1 comment:

  1. David. I finally found your blog.

    I'm subbing now. Keep writing.
