Done are my days of using illegal drugs recreationally. I was searching for something back then that I am still searching for today. I have discovered that drugs are not the way. Sure, maybe doing drugs was finding your own way and being different at one time, but when it becomes a habit and repetitive, you are simply following the leader.
Wasting time getting high puts you out of your place where you should be. I personally had little trouble quitting illegal drugs mainly because I only really did psychedelics. I only found trouble quitting cannabis. I found this drug to cause more problems for me than any other. Using it made me realize that life is better without it. That is the key that you have to realize for yourself that life is better without drugs.
I can only imagine how hard it is for people smoking meth and crack. To me, cigarettes was always the worst drug. People who smoke are perpetuating the capitalist agenda in order to keep sucking down that tar. You don't like it the first time you do it, but if you keep doing it, you'll like it. That makes no sense. I guess it is sort of a rationalization like being an acquired taste as with beer for some people. I don't enjoy beer like I used to.
Looking back, would I change anything? I don't think so. I mean of course you could look at it like something could be better, but without the perspective that it shaped me into today, why would I want it any other way? I did what I wanted to back then and I am going to do what I want to today. I just want something else.
Coffee, I have discovered, is seemingly more pleasurable than beer. I think this is my vice these days. It puts me in the mood to take on the day, which I like, and is useful in ways other than just feeling good. It's a moral booster. There is no end in sight...
Skateboarding to me has always been sort of an anti-drug drug. I think what keeps me skateboarding is the high associated with the speed, adrenalin, and I guess the "runner's high" that you get with physical activity. I feel better when I am out doing something, that is also why I like physical labor. It is a good way to stay fit without having to do hard work outs at a gym.
My goal these days is not necessarily being "drug free," but instead to be myself. I am going to do what I do because only I can and nobody else can do it for me. My life is based upon what I want to do and I am going to make it happen. I do not want to get side tracked on stupid drug side missions; I am on track for the olympic gold. See you soon 2016!
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