Saturday, April 28, 2018

2018 Skateboarding - April 28, 2018

2018, about 2 years since I wrote anything here. Nothing much to write. I've been going to JB Williams at night calling out the stoners there on! F them! I rode my bike for 12.5 miles at Fort Yargo today. Heavily sipping on them sparkling waters. Working out a lot. Working a lot and skating flatland. Not skating obstacles anymore. The bowl is for posers. Riding around? I'm flipping in flipping out of my no complys. Mountain Park Park street league, flat land division. 2 trips so far this year; Austin, TX and Tampa, FL for Tampa Pro. Unfortunately was not invited to skate this time around, but did get it in at the Bro Bowl 2.0. As far as Austin, we hit downtown, the park, and a San Antonio skatepark too. San Antonio park was cool. It was hidden in the suburbs with lots of banks and transition. Kinda small, but was very entertaining. we listened to this in FL. Jimmy's choice.